
Full factoring (without recourse) – secure development of your company

Factoring involving taking over the risk ensures not only financing of receivables from recipients, but also safe inflow thereof.

The combination of financing and receivables insurance allows achieving the effect which is most important from the entrepreneur’s point of view, i.e. secure development of the company.

Full factoring may be based on a receivables insurance policy already held by the client. Then, based on a trilateral agreement concluded between the client, the factor and the insurance company, the factor assumes the rights and obligations under the receivables insurance policy. From then on, all rights but also all obligations under the policy rest with the Factor.

If the client does not have their own policy, the factor allows the client to take advantage of the receivables insurance policy held by the factor – the result is exactly the same.


  • secure payment for delivered goods immediately after invoicing
  • improved financial liquidity of the company
  • protection against the risk of the recipient’s default
  • improved structure of the balance sheet thanks to permanent elimination of short-term receivables from the balance sheet
  • possibility related to verification of recipients, checking and determination of trade credits
  • elimination of the burden related to debt monitoring and recovery



Partial factoring (with recourse) – financing adapted to your needs

Partial factoring enables immediate unfreezing of your receivables. Payment under sales invoices will be booked into the company’s account not in 30, 60 or 90 days, but immediately after invoicing. The enterprise’s financial liquidity improves along with inflow of money from the factor.

Quick inflow of receivables allows timely or even early payment for goods deliveries. In the eyes of suppliers, you are a reliable and credible partner, which involves the possibility to obtain discounts and rebates.

Partial factoring means quick access to cash and professional process of receivables management, monitoring and recovery.


  • improved financial liquidity of the company
  • immediate payment for executed sales
  • improved payment morality of recipients
  • elimination of the burden related to debt monitoring and recovery
  • increased competitiveness thanks to the possibility to extend payment terms for recipients
  • possibility of quick repayment of liabilities towards suppliers



Silent factoring – financing of invoices without notifying the recipient

Silent (secret) factoring – immediate unfreezing of your receivables without the recipient knowing it.

You obtain financing of receivables but without additional advantages of the factoring service (verification of the recipient, payment monitoring, debt recovery). The recipient is not advised of debt assignment in any way. This is why silent factoring has the character of a loan and, as such, it is burdened with a higher risk of the recipient’s default.

Yet, there are situations in which you do not want – due to different reasons – to inform the recipient of assignment of the receivables onto a third party; in that case, silent factoring is a good solution.


  • improved financial liquidity of the company
  • immediate payment for executed sales
  • increased competitiveness thanks to the possibility to extend payment terms for recipients
  • possibility of quick repayment of liabilities towards suppliers



Reverse factoring – financing of liabilities towards suppliers

Reverse factoring – short-term working capital financing, which involves financing of liabilities towards suppliers.

The service enables negotiating better commercial terms and rebates in return for timely or early payment of liabilities.

Your credibility and reliability will grow even more in suppliers’ eyes, while the factor gives you an additional deadline for liability repayment.


  • increased credibility in suppliers’ eyes
  • reliability and timely repayments of liabilities towards suppliers of goods
  • possibility to obtain rebates for early payment
  • possibility to increase trade credit with suppliers and reduction of the burden related to management of liabilities



Customised solutions – service tailored to your needs.

There are no topics which are defined as impossible by the team of Unity Centrum; although some of them are more difficult to resolve, it is our job to address our Clients’ needs creatively and constructively. We are a special task force – thanks to our 18-year expertise in the factoring industry, familiarity with the factoring market and knowledge regarding services provided by factors associated in the Polish Factors Association, we are not afraid of any challenges or difficult tasks. Our Clients taking advantage of various customised solutions already know that.

The majority of solutions them are our original products. Therefore, if the standard factoring service is insufficient to you, please contact us.

We have the tools and knowledge which we are not afraid to use.